List your business on WindLive

Help support WindLive by listing your business.

📍Places nearby

Places Nearby is a section below the wind map, showcasing local services in the area. It is visible on both desktop & mobile.

🎛 How does it work?

A card is displayed for each business, including a name or logo, and a selected icon for its category.

When a card is clicked or tapped, an overlay with additional information about the service is made visible, as well as website / booking links and social media.

✏️ Who can apply?

Nearby Places is available to all businesses within 15km of Le Morne. This includes local shops, kite schools, equipment rentals, hotels, B&Bs, restaurants, cafés & more.

You can apply here.

Why WindLive?

Over 30,000+ views monthly

That's right. Our Le Morne page alone is viewed over ten thousand times every month, according to google analytics.

Locally-sourced traffic

Windlive users are mostly based around the same local area. Reach an ideal target audience that can find you faster & more easily.


We're loco, just like you

Ads helps us keep our service available to everyone for free. WindLive is 100% built & maintained in Mauritius, by Mauritians.

By listing your business, you help us keep WindLive running. All money from listings & ads goes back to the website & it's expansion. Of course, we promise to keep WindLive and all of its core features free.

📍Places Nearby

Help support WindLive by listing your business.

Starting at Rs200/month*


*billed anually