Business Listing

Main Info

Business listings (AKA 'Places Nearby') is a section aiming to promote the presence of local businesses in the area. You can view a business' info such as location, website, contact info (...) by clicking 'view' on one of the cards.

See examples


To be eligible for a listing, your business must:

• Operate within a 15 KM (9 miles) radius from one of our stations.
• Operate within a fixed, physical presence
- This excludes apps, websites or related.
- We do not provide listings for contract-based services; e.g. cleaning, delivery businesses, etc (With exception for tour operators and sports photographers).

If you're compliant with all of the above, all good!
Feel free to apply here.

Visible info

When a listing is clicked on, various info is made available to the user.
Here's a list of all available entries:

• Service description
• Service category (e.g. Apartment, Gym, Restaurant...)
• Pictures (usually 3-5 Max)
• Service's website
• Operating Hours
• Socials (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Youtube)
• Contact info (email, phone/SMS, WhatsApp, contact form...)

Providing a logo

In some cases, we can even include your logo to be displayed on your business' card, instead of the usual title + icons combo. Do note however, that this comes with some requirements.

For this to work, the logo must:

• Be monochromatic / have a monochromatic version
- Preferably black or white (will be displayed in white)
• Be provided in a vector format
- Accepted formats: SVG / .EPF / .AI (PNGs or JPEGs will not work)

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Let us know here if there's something you'd like clarified.

Status Updates

For more info on the availability of our service, check out our status page.

Support Us

Consider supporting our cause by sharing a link with friends or help us by advertising and/or listing your business on our platform.

Contact & FAQ

If you happen to have questions concerning us, check out this FAQ or ask us directly.