Terms of Service

WindLive is a business unit of THE WIND COMPANY, Ltd. Windlive provides on-spot live wind data & more.

Below are our 'terms of service', which may also be referred to as 'TOS' or 'Terms & Conditions', throughout our platform.

Acceptance of Terms

1. By using WindLive, you (the user) acknowledge that you are bound by terms and conditions stated herein. WindLive reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time.

WindLive data

2. All data originating from WindLive falls under copyright. Collecting, re-using or re-publishing data for commercial/recreational/other non-personal purposes without prior consent is prohibited. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all information on this website can only be used for your own personal use. Gathering data and information by private person or other legal subject for later study, educational, research, commercial or other applications is not considered private use and prior agreement is required.

2.1 It is forbidden to download/re-publish website content by use of automated scripts or other (similar) methods.

No-warranties Policy

3. THE WIND COMPANY gives no guarantee that information on this website is correct, timely, accurate, reliable or error-free. All the information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Opinions of the website's users expressed in discussions do not express the opinions of THE WIND COMPANY & its business units, users are solely responsible for them.

3.1 THE WIND COMPANY will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from usage of this website. Using this site and all available information is done at the User's own discretion and risk.

Privacy Policy

4. By browsing this website, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Changes to these Terms of Service

5. THE WIND COMPANY reserves the rights to change these terms at any given time. In the event of changes to our Terms of Service, registered users will be notified of changes 30 days before these changes are made effective.


If you happen to have any questions related to these terms, please let us know via info@windlive.mu.

Advertiser Policy

0. WindLive/THE WIND COMPANY Ltd. accepts publication of Advertisements (as defined below) on the terms and conditions set out herein (“Terms”). Below are our Terms regarding Advertisers & Advertising in general.

Acceptance of Terms

1. By advertising on WindLive, you (the advertiser) acknowledge that you are bound by terms & conditions, AKA 'Advertiser Policy', stated herein. THE WIND COMPANY Ltd. reserves the right to change this policy at any time.

1.1 By placing an order, the “Advertiser” (which is the person bidding for or placing the order for the Advertisement whether they are the advertiser of the product or service referred to in the Advertisement or the advertising agency or media buyer for such advertiser) accepts and agrees to be bound by these Terms in full.


2 THE WIND COMPANY Ltd. may, without any responsibility to the Advertiser, reject, cancel or require any Advertisement to be amended that it considers unsuitable or contrary to these Terms and remove, suspend or change the position of any such Advertisement. THE WIND COMPANY Ltd. may refuse to publish any Advertisement for any Advertiser who has not paid any sums due for any advertising on its platform. The Advertiser will remain responsible for all outstanding charges.

Advertisement Media

3. The Advertiser guarantees to WindLive that:

• any information supplied in connection with the Advertisement is accurate, complete, true and not misleading;

• it has obtained the consent of any living person whose name or image (in whole or in part) is contained in any Advertisement;

• the Advertisements are legal, decent, honest and truthful, are not contrary to the provisions of any applicable law, regulation or code of practice, and the Advertisements are not libellous or obscene and do not infringe the rights of any person (including any person’s intellectual property rights);

• the Advertisement will not be prejudicial to the image or reputation of WindLive / THE WIND COMPANY Ltd. (and/or its subsidiaries), and will not contain anything with Windlive, in good faith, considers to be offensive or otherwise inappropriate; and

• all digital Advertisements submitted for publication online will be free of any viruses, adware, malware, bit torrents, and no Advertisement will cause an adverse effect on the operation of the Website.

4. Where the Advertiser is an advertising agency or media buyer, the Advertiser guarantees that it is authorised by the advertiser of a product or service to place the Advertisement with WindLive and the Advertiser will compensate THE WIND COMPANY Ltd. for any claim made by such advertiser against WindLive/THE WIND COMPANY and/or its subsidiaries.

Payment & Rates

5. All Advertisements are accepted on the basis that they will be paid for at the prevailing rates/prices. WindLive may change its rates/prices at any time. Any changes to the rates/prices will take effect immediately, unless specifically stated otherwise. However, any changes to the applicable rates will not apply to any orders made prior to the date of such change.

Figues & Impressions

6. The Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that discrepancies regarding the number of impressions served are common due to a variety of technical reasons. WindLive cannot guarantee the number of views/impressions before the Advertisement's campaign. In the event of any disagreement regarding the number of impressions served, the Advertiser agrees that the figures provided by WindLive’s applicable third party provider (usually Google Analytics) will be final and binding.

Links to outside media

7. The Advertiser guarantees to WindLive that any landing page and/or destination site linked to from the Advertisements (“Advertiser’s Site”) will

(i) be legal, decent, honest and truthful,

(ii) not be contrary to the provisions of any applicable law, regulation or code of practice,

(iii) not be libellous or obscene,

(iv) not infringe the rights of any person (including any person’s intellectual property rights);

(v) not be prejudicial to the image or reputation of WindLive/THE WIND COMPANY Ltd. and/or its subsidiaries;

(vi) be free from viruses, adware, malware, and/or bit torrents,

(vii) not cause an adverse effect on the operation of the Website, and

(viii) have a conspicuous privacy policy which complies with all applicable data protection and privacy laws, regulations and codes of practice.


If you have any questions regarding our Advertiser Policy, please let us know via info@windlive.mu.